Newborn photo session for adorable baby girl
It was such a great photo shoot for a little girl! This baby has slept so well and we were able to create a lot of beautiful portraits! During newborn session we usually do not only create usual images in wraps of different colors and some hats and headpieces but also very cute close up portraits! I'm so in love with this cute lips and sweet big cheeks they have even being only 1 week old! Working with babies full time for past 4 years and doing photography for over 12 years in total, I always suggest to moms to have newborn session done when baby is under 10 days! At this time they are just perfect, sleeping babies in that super curly positions and we can do anything with them! And after this time they don't sleep that much, start to straighten their body and may have colic or acne so to do session before 10 days is really much better and give us so much better images! We bring all props and create a studio in your home! Take a look how beautiful portraits of this young lady turned out, check more of our newborn images here and book your sessison here today!!! Let's be in touch now! Thank you!

Newborn babies give us such a happiness! Your life will never be the same! You never will care that much about yourself and will be ready to give up everything for this tiny human being! You lost your sleep, your body is in different shape so you have to work out twice more and you start to forget things but it's so worth it! No one in this world will love you as much as your baby, no one will be that important for you! I know that I became a better person, a better professional, a better wife and it's all Thanks to my baby! If you ever feel sad, just go outside, be on fresh air, talk to someone who will understand you and you will feel good and happy again!
I'm so happy to do newborn photography! To come to babies, talk to them, put them in this poses, touch their little fingers! I always miss this babies and feel happy when parents send me some images when baby grows up a bit or just make some funny faces!
Kiss your baby! He or she is really, truly the best in this world!
Wishing you the best time!
Let me know if you need me!
Thank you!
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