Sitter session for amazing little boy!
It's pretty incredible how your life can change when little person enters to your family! This eyes, smiles as well as little hands and toes will change how you are! The hug of this sweet little arms and smell of the baby, the first kiss - this things will be with you forever and you will get back to this memories in good times to feel even more happy and in bed times to feel some support and know for sure that everything will change to better and it all will be fine! I remember how excited Mom of this amazing little boy was about the 6 month photo shoot! And it looks for me that baby knew that he should be ready for this big day so he even could sit being just 6 month old!!! My baby boy didn't sit until 8 month, can you imagine? But he learned how to sit and crowl in 1 day and that was so awesome to see!!!! I'm so happy mom to remember this things and to be at home that day! I hope you have enough time with your lil ones too!!!So the baby, mommy and me were all totally happy to see each other at that sunny day! He just had a great nap and was waking up, Mom picked him up from the crib and was coming my way and baby immediately started to smile to me!!!! Not all of babies do that when see the stranger! I was so happy to see his beautiful smile!!!
He ate his milk and then we started the session. I bring a studio with me and offer very cute outfits - I have much more now in my collection! And Mom had some very cute props so images turned out really amazing!

6-8 months old is the best for portraits ever! And I mean time when baby can sit well as while baby is sitting we can capture a lot of sweet moments and I know some tricks how to make them smile!
We can change clothes and backgrounds to do different images and parents are very welcome to be the part of the session! I work as a photographer for 10 years and kids were always my biggest love to work with! Sitters session can be done outdoor or indoor, lifestyle or with studio set up!
See more of my works here and book your session
You will love every photo, I promise!
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