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Beautiful Asian baby boy on his newborn photo session

Hi! Here's my new story! This one is about absolutely gorgeous Asian boy who I call Chinese emperor because of his serious look and because of the way he looked at me! And he was only a week old on his session!!! When I came and as I always do with pretty much success, I tried to put him to sleep, he looked at me as I was doing something wrong and it felt really funny! And then his mom told me that this specific boy just is not much into sleep so I guess he was sincerely wondering what this woman is trying to do here! It was so funny! So I decided to do some portraits with opened eyes and started the session. Can you imagine how surprised I was when in about 10-15 min he became a bit cranky and looked tired and hungry! So we fed him a bit, I sang him a short song and worked as a shush machine for a bit and yeey, he was perfectly sleeping for the rest of the session!!! I will put some pictures here first of this amazing boy with beautiful eyes and then you'll see how cute he is when he sleeps like an angel!!!

When the baby fall asleep his father told me that he likes gray, brown and blue colors but his most favorite color is green! I always ask what colors and styles of props parents prefer to see on the images so I was ready for that and I love how this boy looks in green! He happened to have a red bracelet so it added some nice touch to the pictures!

I have a very special camera for close up portraits! I love photographing babies and their finest details like cheeks, fingers and portraits! I know that even a week later baby will look so much different!!! Do you prefer full body shots or close ups? Tell us in the comment!

This little friends as I call them also

make pictures look better!

Take a look!

And I'm so happy I can do beautiful art portraits for families! I have a special gallery with this images, ask me about it here!

After baby part of the session we do family portraits! We were so lucky to have a grandfather on the session! They do really have a very special connections with grandkids and I have amazing and so sweet memories about my granmas and granpas!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this story!!! Looking forward

to share more with you soon!

Check my works here and book your session

Thank you!

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